Doe Management
The start of the season is here and the past 9 months of hard work are about to be put to the test. This is the time of year we all work and wait for.
Taking children hunting is a much talked about tradition in hunting and the guys from the East Central Ohio QDMA Branch practice what many preach. They’re passing on the hunting tradition to younger, often times first time hunters. Not only are they sharing their love for hunting, but also for management that ensures the longevity of the sport we all love.
Casey started off his season right by harvesting a doe on a food plot. The weather was warm at the start of bow season, but a cool down shortly into the season had deer on their feet. We’ve talked about when to harvest does and when to refrain. The doe that Casey took offered a perfect case scenario in that she was alone in a food plot. She will provide meat for the table and help lower the buck to doe ratio.
The beginning of the season is a great time to dust the cob webs off from the past nine months. Rather it be taking your child or any first time hunter to the woods or the first release of an arrow, it’s time to “kickoff” the season.