Timber harvest done right, is not only greatly beneficial to the habitat, but can also help you purchase a piece of property. Contact an independent forester who can come to the property and build an inventory list. Typically, trees 18 inches or larger will be identified and listed. That list can then be sent out for bid and the forester can give you advice on who to hire.

Not only can you use a timber harvest for financial benefit, but also for the deer that call the property home. If you’ve always dreamed of creating an opening for a food plot, this is your chance. Have the timber company clear off an entire section regardless of timber value and with a little leg work afterwards, you can have that secluded food plot! Where other trees are harvested, sunlight is allowed to hit the forest floor producing a flush of new trees and native vegetation that will feed your wildlife and the money from the harvested trees can be used to pay on your land for years to come.