
Viewer Questions

Small Land Management and Hunting Strategies The majority of hunters and land managers deal with small parcels of land. Successfully managing and hunting these tracts of land can be challenging, but it is far from impossible. The key is providing everything a whitetail needs so it doesn’t have a reason to leave. This can be […]

Sacred Ground

Deer Hunting A lot of hunters have that place they call home. For Casey, this is his grandpa’s farm where he got his start deer hunting with his brother, dad, and grandpa. Over the years, the hunting turned into managing by being more selective of their harvest, planting food plots and enhancing the habitat by […]

Starting Over

Deer Management Last year’s drought was tough on deer herds across much of the country. It was no different in Central Illinois at the Fogle Farm. Numerous mature bucks that Ross and Derek had on their hit list either went missing or were found dead. They believed the outbreak of EHD to be the main […]

Don’t Feel Left Out

Erich Long – Drumming Log Wildlife Management You just got done watching your favorite deer management web show on the internet and with a click of the mouse you turn to your email.  Just great, you think to yourself as you scroll through emails from your friends who keep sending you pictures of their food […]

Growing Pains

Deer Management Mother nature dictates most of what we do in deer management. In 2012, much of the country has experienced a record dry and hot summer. Casey Shoopman, editor and videographer for The Management Advantage, has had to rewrite his management plan for his family farm in Illinois because of the weather. This year, […]