Entries by admin

Tomorrow: Youth Deer Hunting

Youth Deer Hunting The annual East Central Ohio QDMA youth deer hunt is a weekend the landowners and community look forward to all year. Numerous disable kids are brought in and taught a variety of topics revolving around deer hunting. Fellowship is shared, laughs are had, and life long memories are made. The success of […]


Bowhunting The story of Rambler started in 2008 on a new farm in west-central Illinois. Without ever bowhunting it, we planted food plots based on locations we felt were good after looking at an aerial photo. After hunting it a couple times, we quickly learned the deer patterns and one buck in particular. No matter […]

“Arizona”: Archery Elk Hunting

Archery Elk Hunting For many, hunting is a tradition that beings at an early age passed down from generation to generation.. For others, it’s picked up along the way through life. At the age of 70, Melvin Melton, was set to go on his first bow hunt. Not just any bow hunt either. After 11 […]

Ohio Boone and Crockett Whitetail

Bow Hunting This week, we’re going back to 2007. Before the time of SLR’s and GoPro’s filming for multiple angles. It was mid-October in Ohio and Chuck and Casey were perched 20 foot up. The rest is a hunt they’ll never forget! Chuck snort wheezed at a 170+ inch buck and he proceeded to put […]


Quality Deer Management Everyone has different reasons why they got into the outdoors and deer management. For some, it’s been a family tradition while for others it’s been learned along the way through trial and error. Landowners, leasers, and even college students can all practice it. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you are […]