Go Time

Food Plots The rain was finally on the way and it was time to get the Pennington seed in the ground ahead of Hurricane Isaac. We’re in west-central Illinois with The Firminator this week planting food plots at TMA Prostaff member Ross Fogle’s farm. He’s planting a plethora of Pennington products in large food plots, secluded food plots, and […]

Deer Radishes, It’s All in Their Genetics

Kent Kammermeyer – Wildlife Trends You may remember a couple of years ago when PETA released this outrageous statement: “A rat is a dog is a boy”? This statement enraged even the most tolerant of us who finally realized that people and organizations can say anything they want to further their own agendas. After all, […]

Growing Pains

Deer Management Mother nature dictates most of what we do in deer management. In 2012, much of the country has experienced a record dry and hot summer. Casey Shoopman, editor and videographer for The Management Advantage, has had to rewrite his management plan for his family farm in Illinois because of the weather. This year, […]

Digging Deeper

Dave Edwards – Wildlife Trends It’s been said that “good farmers understand the value of well-tilled soil…and the dangers of over-tilled ground”. Soil compaction, resulting in what is commonly called a hardpan, has been recognized as a potential limiting factor in crop production since farmers transitioned from horse-drawn plows to heavier tractors and more aggressive […]

What You Are Inspires You

Erich Long – Drumming Log Wildlife Management How many of you have ever given advice to someone?  Better yet, how many of you have given advice to someone and that you have never followed yourself?  As a consultant, I give advice to anyone that wants to hear my rambling, all the time.  What I really […]