Deer Hunting: Ohio Bow Hunting Booner - The Management Advantage

Bowhunting Illinois Mature Whitetail: "Rambler" - The Management Advantage

Deer Food Plot Planting Tips To Get A Big Buck In Bow Range - The Management Advantage #74

Deer Hunting: 6 Year Old Illinois Buck With a Bow: Marathon Pt. 2 - The Management Advantage

9+ Year Old Mature Illinois Deer Hunting With A Bow - The Management Advantage #64

Bow Hunting
This week, we’re going back to 2007. Before the time of SLR’s and GoPro’s filming for multiple angles. It was mid-October in Ohio and Chuck and Casey were perched 20 foot up. The rest is a hunt they’ll never forget! Chuck snort wheezed at a 170+ inch buck and he proceeded to put on a show by working a scrape and making a rub. The deer, being mature, knew something wasn’t right, but after what seemed like an eternity, he finally let the arrow fly. The end result was an incredible Boone and Crockett Whitetail with a bow!