About admin
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Entries by admin
Digging Deeper
August 10, 2012 in Food Plots, Wildlife Management /by adminDave Edwards – Wildlife Trends It’s been said that “good farmers understand the value of well-tilled soil…and the dangers of over-tilled ground”. Soil compaction, resulting in what is commonly called a hardpan, has been recognized as a potential limiting factor in crop production since farmers transitioned from horse-drawn plows to heavier tractors and more aggressive […]
Food Plots For Ducks
July 31, 2012 in Wildlife Management /by adminBlake Hagemeier – Fowled Reality As duck hunters, we know food is king when it comes to attracting and holding ducks. Just as deer hunters do, a lot of duck hunters plant food plots for ducks. An excellent choice when it comes to what to plant is Golden Millet. Corn, which is often the go […]
Bending Habitats
July 27, 2012 in Uncategorized /by adminWhen it comes to killing ducks, most times the man with the most food wins. A duck hunter can depend on the habitat already available or they can manipulate it in a way to promote maximizing the forage available for ducks. Join TMA prostaffer, Jody Pagan, as he discusses his life in waterfowl management.
Moving Forward
July 27, 2012 in Uncategorized /by adminIn the fourth teaser video from The Management Advantage, we discuss timber stand management in the south and give a little more insight into our new direction. Starting in August, we’ll provide top quality educational wildlife management information. 52 weeks a year to help you Gain the Advantage Through Proper Management!