Entries by admin

The Turkey Hunting “Sickness”

Chuck Sykes – The Management Advantage Consulting I developed a healthy appetite for hunting and the outdoors at an early age.  It all started with the usual squirrel, rabbit, and deer hunting.  Over the years, duck, turkey, and dove hunting came into the picture.  To say I enjoy them all would be an understatement.  I […]

The Highs and Lows of Deer Hunting

Chuck Sykes – The Management Advantage Consulting Casey and I experienced a tough fall through our Midwest deer hunting tour. The tough times really put a damper on the remainder of my deer season. When I returned to Alabama in December, I had lost all the desire to deer hunt. Thankfully, I had a job […]

Predator Management Through Trapping

Chuck Sykes-The Management Advantage Consulting The concept behind The Management Advantage television program was conceived by myself and my wife Sue in the late 1990’s.  At that time, I was managing a commercial hunting lodge in Alabama and operating a fledgling wildlife consulting business. Sue and I figured that since land managers in our area […]