Bits and Pieces

Pine Management and Deer Hunting Pine trees dominate the landscape in the south and pine management is a way of life. People rely heavily on them for income just as farmers do on corn and soybeans in the Midwest. Like it or not, pine plantations are here to stay and as wildlife managers we have […]


Planting Food Plots in the South It’s finally time to visit the place where The Management Advantage got it’s start. This week we are in south Alabama on Chuck’s family farm that he grew up hunting. To start the week, we’re planting Pennington Wildlife Seed food plots using The Firminator in a slightly unconventional manner. These plots are being […]

Who’s Watching Who

Trail Cameras The day you head to the woods to check your trail cameras is always like Christmas morning. With every click of the keyboard, you hope to see your next “hit list” buck that you can target while deer hunting. As you scroll through the pictures from your trail camera, you notice deer running […]

Don’t Feel Left Out

Erich Long – Drumming Log Wildlife Management You just got done watching your favorite deer management web show on the internet and with a click of the mouse you turn to your email.  Just great, you think to yourself as you scroll through emails from your friends who keep sending you pictures of their food […]

Growing Pains

Deer Management Mother nature dictates most of what we do in deer management. In 2012, much of the country has experienced a record dry and hot summer. Casey Shoopman, editor and videographer for The Management Advantage, has had to rewrite his management plan for his family farm in Illinois because of the weather. This year, […]