
Creating Beddings Areas For Deer Having bedding areas on a property is a huge step toward enticing whitetails to call your property home, but as any land manager knows, beddings areas come and go. Timber matures and canopies close resulting in less forest floor cover and fewer deer utilizing the location. Fortunately, with a little […]

Chain Gang

Hinge Cutting Timber stand improvement and hinge cutting are a great way to improve your property. This week we are with Erich Long of Drumming Log Wildlife Management, Ross Fogle, and Derrick Neville. The farm that Ross and Derrick hunt is full of mature mast producing oak trees which is great for producing acorns that deer […]

Plan and Plant Like You Mean It

Steve Tillman – Wildlife Trends Imagine the following scenario. It’s a weekend day early last fall. The smell of damp leaves hangs in the cool morning air as you step from the truck to make your way to the field. Thoughts of a previous work week full of demands and deadlines retreat with each quiet stride […]

The Trials and Tribulations of Small Acreage Deer Management

Chuck Sykes – The Management Advantage Consulting When I first started my consulting business over 15 years ago, my average client owned 3000 acres.  Management options were limitless.  The only constraints were time and the owner’s wallet.  Today, on the other hand, my average client is the owner of 300 acres or less.  We have performed […]