Chain Gang

Hinge Cutting Timber stand improvement and hinge cutting are a great way to improve your property. This week we are with Erich Long of Drumming Log Wildlife Management, Ross Fogle, and Derrick Neville. The farm that Ross and Derrick hunt is full of mature mast producing oak trees which is great for producing acorns that deer […]

4 Legged Enemies Part 2

Are We Spooking Deer Unintentionally?

Erich Long – Wildlife Trends They say a picture is worth a thousand words and, if you look at a deer cam photo long enough, you can come up with at least a couple of things to say about it.  For example, your typical deer cam photo of a buck can tell you roughly how old […]

4 Legged Enemies

Hog Trapping The feral hog problem in the south is not only detrimental to property, but the hunting as well. A feral hog’s ability to reproduce in large numbers at a young age makes for difficulty controlling the population. Jager Pro is an innovator in the hog control industry. Their technology and expertise in the field leads […]

New Friends